Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Jack Johnson - Upside Down (2006)

** (of four)

I like Jack Johnson, I have to state that up front, but "Upside Down" has the unfortunate timing of appearing on my TiVo the day after the David Blaine-in-an-aquatic-bubble media circus finally came to a gaspy, Guess I Can't Hold My Breath For Nine Minutes head. Because after seeing clips for days of Blaine floating around his water bubble and staring out at the world, knowing he was as bored with his stunt as we were, now here's Jack Johnson spending the first half of his video lip synching from underwater with his acoustic guitar at his side, getting warped the crap out of.

Johnson does hold his breath for a good verse or so before the director cuts away to Curious George swimming up to him. Then the real-life ex-surfer singer and the cartoon monkey stare at each other for a few cutesy seconds and Johnson spends the rest of the video sitting Indian style (or is it "Native American style" now?) in front of a blue screen. Lots of cartoon stuff here, and Johnson's in full "Zippidy Doo Dah" mode, so the sap factor is high. If that sounds good to you, well, you probably already have kids at home and a big soft heart and don't want to hear the story of how I pulled the tail off my gerbil when I was twelve.


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