Kanye West - Touch the Sky (2006)
*** (of four)

I've never been a huge fan of Kanye West's self-importance, rampant egomania and abject inability to look intellectually impressive in a magazine interview, but somehow Kanye keeps putting out quality singles and videos. And I can't fault him for that. "Touch the Sky," a 1970s nostalgia trip from director Chris Milk, is all washed-out yellows, purples and roses as Evel Kanyevel (yeah, I know) heads in a vintage limo with girlfriend Pamela Anderson to the Arizona desert to leap the Grand Canyon (or some similarly enormous canyon) in a red, white and blue rocket.
But Kanyevel can't just perform his stunt, no. Before the rocket launches, he must contend with several bouts of Unnecessary Drama. First when Pam, in the naughty nurse coochie-cutter jumpsuit, sulks in his trailer, concerned for his safety. Begs him not to get in the rocket. Then, while a reporter is asking Kanye to defend his comments about President Nixon ("Richard Nixon doesn't care about sane people"), up shows a monster afro'd Nia Long to claim she got her ass left for a white girl. Which, shit, Nia's cool, but what guy's gonna turn down the chance to get with Pam, rampant venereal disease carrier or no?
Anyway, he does get his girl stuff sorted out and climb into the rocket. And you'd be surprised that, with a king-sized ego like Kanyevel possesses, he allows his rocket to arc a hundred or so feet above the canyon and then take a fiery 180-degree nosedive into the canyon, to the overdrawn expressions of grief on both Pamela and Nia's face. Unless maybe he thinks he's indestructible. Either way, sitting in the Oval Office with a distinct smile as he watches the footage on broadcast television? Yup. Tricky Dick.

I've never been a huge fan of Kanye West's self-importance, rampant egomania and abject inability to look intellectually impressive in a magazine interview, but somehow Kanye keeps putting out quality singles and videos. And I can't fault him for that. "Touch the Sky," a 1970s nostalgia trip from director Chris Milk, is all washed-out yellows, purples and roses as Evel Kanyevel (yeah, I know) heads in a vintage limo with girlfriend Pamela Anderson to the Arizona desert to leap the Grand Canyon (or some similarly enormous canyon) in a red, white and blue rocket.
But Kanyevel can't just perform his stunt, no. Before the rocket launches, he must contend with several bouts of Unnecessary Drama. First when Pam, in the naughty nurse coochie-cutter jumpsuit, sulks in his trailer, concerned for his safety. Begs him not to get in the rocket. Then, while a reporter is asking Kanye to defend his comments about President Nixon ("Richard Nixon doesn't care about sane people"), up shows a monster afro'd Nia Long to claim she got her ass left for a white girl. Which, shit, Nia's cool, but what guy's gonna turn down the chance to get with Pam, rampant venereal disease carrier or no?
Anyway, he does get his girl stuff sorted out and climb into the rocket. And you'd be surprised that, with a king-sized ego like Kanyevel possesses, he allows his rocket to arc a hundred or so feet above the canyon and then take a fiery 180-degree nosedive into the canyon, to the overdrawn expressions of grief on both Pamela and Nia's face. Unless maybe he thinks he's indestructible. Either way, sitting in the Oval Office with a distinct smile as he watches the footage on broadcast television? Yup. Tricky Dick.
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