Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Smash Mouth - Story of My Life (2006)

**1/2 (of four)

Almost as inconceivable to me as the fact that it's 2006 and I'm watching a brand new Smash Mouth video on VH1 is the fact that I'm watching a brand new Smash Mouth video and it's not a cover song and it's not on the fucking Shrek 3 soundtrack or something. Smash Mouth would have been dead on instant arrival if not for cover songs on movie soundtracks: "Can't Get Enough of You Baby" from Can't Hardly Wait, "Why Can't We Be Friends" from BASEketball (yes, BASEketball), and of course that goddamn Monkees remake from Shrek 1.

So many reasons not to like Smash Mouth, and yet when the weather gets warmer and the days longer and I start to dwell on faded summer memories, this fat bastard and his cronies always deserve a spot on my playlist. They've got a handful of guilty pleasures, and now "Story of My Life" somehow enters the eschelon. It's harmless and mildly catchy, with a low-budget Steve Harwell video that's actually fairly charming on the first few views. Which, let's be honest - a few is all the views we're gonna get.

As the video opens, the band is playing in an empty motel parking lot. (Yes, this is what it's come to...) The fat bastard heads up to his room and finds out Smash Mouth is holding new auditions for lead singer, and apparently Florence Henderson is the front runner. So F.B. gets mad and decides to walk in on all the neighboring rooms, where strange sexual goings-on are going on and nuns and pimps are playing harps. Makes scant sense, but this is the story of this guy's life, that's all I know.


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