Leo Sayer - You Make Me Feel Like Dancing
zero stars (of four)
Back when I did weekly eMpTyV review postings, around 2000 and 2001, I had a Gay Video of the Week feature. Which drew heavily on the big hair period of the mid-eighties (Tina Turner, Miami Sound Machine and, of course, Frankie Goes to Hollywood) but would have gladly made Leo Sayer's clip for "You Make Me Feel Like Dancing" feel right at home.
Leo Sayer is a scrubbed-up Osmond boy with a Richard Simmons perm, white sleeveless shirt and cream-colored bell bottoms. He clutches an oversized, sparkling-silver microphone, grins widely and sings in a bizarre falsetto from one darkened soundstage. The screen is circled in, alternatingly, blue, red, green and white while Leo gestures wildly and mirror images of him recede infinitely into the background.
Oddest of all, when he sings the pre-chorus refrain, Leo sounds just like Freddie Mercury. I don't know, the whole affair just has to be seen to be believed, and it stands out like a sore, homosexual thumb even among its contemporaries on the VH1 Classic "Super '70s" set list.
Back when I did weekly eMpTyV review postings, around 2000 and 2001, I had a Gay Video of the Week feature. Which drew heavily on the big hair period of the mid-eighties (Tina Turner, Miami Sound Machine and, of course, Frankie Goes to Hollywood) but would have gladly made Leo Sayer's clip for "You Make Me Feel Like Dancing" feel right at home.
Leo Sayer is a scrubbed-up Osmond boy with a Richard Simmons perm, white sleeveless shirt and cream-colored bell bottoms. He clutches an oversized, sparkling-silver microphone, grins widely and sings in a bizarre falsetto from one darkened soundstage. The screen is circled in, alternatingly, blue, red, green and white while Leo gestures wildly and mirror images of him recede infinitely into the background.
Oddest of all, when he sings the pre-chorus refrain, Leo sounds just like Freddie Mercury. I don't know, the whole affair just has to be seen to be believed, and it stands out like a sore, homosexual thumb even among its contemporaries on the VH1 Classic "Super '70s" set list.